Frequently Asked Questions

After registering, log in and list your business space, or search for available space. Only businesses which have been directly impacted by the fires should register to find space. Directly impacted businesses are those located within includes businesses the fire and/or evacuation zones.
Businesses looking for a space can send a match request, sharing their direct contact information, to one or more listings that may meet their space and availability needs.​
The space donor may reach out directly to the business looking for a space.
Through offline engagement, the businesses should verify with each other that the information provided is correct and discuss a space sharing arrangement agreeable to both parties. LA County cannot, and does not, verify if the space and information provided and outlined in the portal is correct. See the Los Angeles County Business to Business Share Space Portal disclaimer for more information.
Once a match is made, it is the responsibility of the space donor to confirm that the space is no longer available, and to remove the space from the active list within the portal.
The County may reach out to businesses to provide additional support and referrals to relief and recovery resources.

STEP 1 Register an account with an email and create a unique password.
STEP 2 Create and post a listing with required business information and available dates on which the space will be available. Multiple listings may be posted as available. All listings must be available for at least one day.
STEP 3 Monitor the "Requests" listings within the portal. This is where inquiries from businesses looking for a space will be sent. Your contact information will  not  be available to registered businesses.
STEP 4 Respond to inquiries in a timely manner.
STEP 5 If an appropriate match is made, confirm by selecting "Update Match" in the portal under "Requests" and hide your listing if you have no additional space available. Under the "My Listings" section, a business can hide their listing at any point should circumstances change.
STEP 6 Finalize your mutual agreement outside of the portal. Remember that all details of the negotiation are the responsibility of the space donor and the space seeking business. The County is not a party to any agreement made between the businesses as a result of the match, nor will it be responsible for the results of any such contractual relationship between the parties involved. Both parties will enter into any such agreement at their own risk.

STEP 1 Register an account with an email and create a unique password.
STEP 2 Browse the existing listings under "Find a Space". This page includes all currently available spaces which other businesses have offered to donate.
STEP 3 To inquire more about a listing, select "Connect with Business" to send an inquiry directly to the business offering the space. Please be advised that doing so will share your contact information with that business.
STEP 4 Be prepared to receive a call or email from the space donor to discuss details of the space and its availability. Please note that it is solely up to the business offering the space to confirm a match and to respond to inquiries. The County is not responsible for any responses to inquiries, and will not remind or otherwise prompt space donors to respond to inquiries. Please refer to the disclaimer for additional details.
STEP 5 If a successful agreement is made outside the portal, congratulations! Remember that all details of the negotiation are the responsibility of the two parties. The County is not a party to any agreement made between the businesses as a result of the match, nor will it be responsible for the results of any such contractual relationship between the parties involved. Both parties will enter into any such agreement at their own risk.
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